Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A Well Regulated Militi The Founding Fathers And The...

A Well-Regulated Militia: The Founding Fathers and the Origins of Gun Control in America By Saul Cornell Introduction The Second Amendment remains one of the most controversial pieces of legislation in the contemporary America. The onset of the controversy regarding gun ownership rights can be traced back to the nineteenth century. Some of the major events that shaped the debate on gun ownership include Shay’s Rebellion and the dispute between federalists and anti-federalists. Slavery and the abolition movement also shaped the debate on gun ownership. In order to understand the bitter controversy that accrues from the Second Amendment, Saul Cornell provides a detailed analysis of the history that brought forth the contentious†¦show more content†¦The obligation of each citizen, therefore, is to fulfill a constitutional duty by enforcing the laws therein. The ownership of guns is protected by the constitution. At the time when the Constitution was ratified, various considerations were made. Some of the key factors considered include the protection of personal freedom and the protecti on of one’s property (Cornell 22). Therefore, the constitution was written to protect the citizens from oppression, and facilitate their freedom. The citizens were granted the right to bear arms for their self-defense and defense of the state. However, that is not the only consideration that should be made when deciding whether to own a firearm or not. The possession of a firearm incorporates the knowledge on use, care, and maintenance. The most important thing citizens were granted the right to bear firearm arms in order to ensure safety for the owner and the people around him or her. Above all, a firearm can be used to fight and defend national and personal freedoms. Gun ownership, thus analyzed from the confines of the Second Amendment, bears a constitutional underpinning hence making it a civic duty (Cornell 23). Therefore, the ownership of a gun is an exercise of a constitutional freedom and an avenue for committing to protect the freedoms of the nation. Shays’ Rebellion and Impact on Militia Debate One of the things that shaped the debate about gun ownership is the Shay’s Rebellion. The Shays’ Rebellion

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Life and Views of Victoria Woodhill - 1698 Words

Victoria Claflin Woodhull Blood Martin, Victoria Woodhull for short, started out as a young girl with very little, who wanted much. She is most well-known for being the first woman to ever run for President of the United States of America. As well as being a Presidential canidate for the 1872 election, she was also a womens rights leader, a businesswoman, and a medium. She lived a very controversial life, from being the breadwinner of her family, to being thrown in jail. She was a radical reformer, she believed in self-governing, and that all women have the right to choose whats best for them, and in some cases, if that meant being a prostitute, then that was perfectly fine. Victoria was a fire-cracker. She became very involved in everything she believed in. In this paper I intend to summarize breifly the life of Victoria Woodhull, while also discussing her views on self-governing, the impact she made on the womens suffrage movement, and also the obstacles she encountered through thi s turmoilous journey. Victoria Claflin was born September 23, 1838 in Homer, Ohio. She was the daughter of Buck Claflin and Anna Claflin. In her later years she had painted her childhood as white picket fence, perfect home, but, in reality it was far from it. Her dad was the towns crook, and her mother was looked at differently because of her ability to speak with spirits, a talent that Victoria found she also had. From a young age she possessed great leadership skills. Her nickname was the

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Buffer Stocks Essay Example For Students

Buffer Stocks Essay 2. Buffer Stocks One step a government might take in order to stabilize agricultural prices is to use the technique of buffer stocks. The very basic idea of this is letting the government set a minimum price on agricultural goods. This price will usually be above the price where demand meets supply, so the government must buy the excess quantity produced, in order to stabilize prices. This quantity will then be stored till, for example, next year where there is a bad harvest, and then it will be put on the market. In case of famine, or earthquake the goods can also be given to the people. In pracise, using fig. 1, the market price would be at OP. This price is obviously so low, that the farmers will receive too little profit, hence the government agrees to a minimum price at OG. Here there is an excess supply, OQ to OQ1, which the government then buys, so they stabilize the prices. 3. Monopoly It is easy to mention the obvious disadvantages which might occur to the consumer of a monopoly (eg. higher prices, lower quality etc), but there are also several ways a consumer might benefit from the existence of a monopoly. Basically there are two options. A monopoly controlled by the government, and monopoly controlled by the private sector. Monopoly under government, is properly where the consumer will find the greatest advantages. The government will try to minimize prices for the consumer, and if necessary, cover the loss of doing so. Quality wise, the consumer will most likely benefit from this type of monopoly. If we take the dutch PTT, which is not completely a monopoly, but still very dominating, over the telecommunication in the Netherlands. The quality of the goods they sell (phones, answering machines etc.) is very good. They all have to go through certain tests, and get the ‘blue seal’. In the monopoly, which lies under the private sector, the conditions are different. If here the monopoly fears it will loose faith from its consumers, it will benefit the consumer. For example Intel’s 586 chip had a bug, and consumers globally were very displeased. Intel chose to replace the bug with functional one, instead of remaining passive. They most likely feared other, much smaller firms, could enter the market and take advantage of the situation. 4. Double Counting When calculating N.I., adding up total revenue is one way. This does though include the problem ‘Double Counting’. If we as an example use diamonds, from the extraction to the sale, it should be easy to see the phenomenon of ‘Double Counting’. First the diamond is extracted by one firm. They sell the raw diamond to a cutlery, for 10 a carat. Here the materials are cut into consumerfriendly shapes and then sold to shop, for 50 a carat, where the consumer buys it for 100 a carat. Total Revenue here is (10 + 50 + 100) 160. Adding up the Value Added, you avoid double counting, and instead the amount is (10 + 40 + 50) 100. Obviously double counting is a problem, which ultimately leads to very inaccurate numbers. Adding the value added up, is definably a much better method, if a more exact number is wanted. 6. ‘Bayona’ A LDC like Bayona faces many disadvantages if the Terms of Trade go against it. What many times happens, is that the country enter a vicious circle. Let me outline both. If the Terms of Trade go against a country, it means that the prices of imported goods are higher than the prices of exported goods. The consequences of Bayona, which only exports one good, is that they would have no other products to try to export. In order to stabilize the Terms of Trade, Bayona would have to either raise prices, or increase production. If they raise prices, QD will go down. If they increase production, wages and other costs will have to go down in order to establish a competitive price. No matter what, N.I. will go down, leading to less production, leading to lower standards of living, leading to pour health, leading to less production, etc. .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e , .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e .postImageUrl , .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e , .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e:hover , .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e:visited , .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e:active { border:0!important; } .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e:active , .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf8c2c89435a9b047212e1b5eeb7fd65e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Horse Dealer's Daughter EssayThe Terms of Trade is an important factor. The system nowadays, gives the industrialised countries an uneaqual advantage against the LDCs.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Student Company Essays - Szd Speech, DraftGerald Roch,

Student Company Ben Broderson December 18, 2000 Student Company Paper Our student company, Wahawk Shop, had many strengths and weaknesses. I believe our biggest strength is our creativity. We had come up with a large amount of possible product ideas. We also had very creative advertising, both in posters and video. Another strength our company had was our product. We finally decided on can koozies and a deck of playing cards, screen-printed with the West High school logo. I think we had a good, original product at a fair price. Our company also had many weaknesses. Our biggest weakness was our lack of organization. Many people were hazy about exactly what was going on. I also think that business time was not always used to its full advantage. We spent almost two whole days, drawing possible logos on the black board, and then trying to vote for one. It was an important decision, but I felt the whole class did not need to spend that much time on it. I believe the company was about two things. First, its obviously designed to demonstrate the many steps involved in running a small business, from start to finish. It also serves a broader purpose of learning to work with others. In this company you need to trust others with responsibility. One person cannot do all the work. You need to learn how to communicate well with the others. Leadership is a necessity in this company, both with officers and the workers. A good president is needed to keep everyone together and working smoothly. The workers also need to be active too. The company can?t get anywhere when everyone just sits around waiting to be told what to do by an officer. I believe our officers did an okay job, but there is definitely room for improvement. Our president Adam Watters did an excellent job of making sure everything gets done, but I think he could have worked on keeping all of the employees involved. Friday meetings lacked organization, and time management. Only a few meetings were officially called properly. They felt very unorganized, with minimal involvement of employees. Time also could have been spent in more efficient ways. Marketing has done a great job, but they probably could have started sooner. I believe the company will be a success. If we sell our entire product, with no mistakes financing wise, we will pull a good profit. If we could do it again though, we should try to get our product decided, designed, and ordered sooner. We wasted a little too much company time in the beginning. I am extremely glad I took this class. Its gives you a hands on feel of the process involved in the business world. I learned its a lot harder than it looks. Budgeting money is a very important part, along with record keeping. It?s difficult to get a large group of people to work together smoothly and efficiently. Cooperation and compromising are essential. Everyone has there own favorite ideas but usually there has to be one final decision made, which can be difficult, but you need to learn to try new things and think different ways. I believe that I am much wiser than I was in the business world now.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Global Marketing, Localized or Standardized Strategy Selection Essays

Global Marketing, Localized or Standardized Strategy Selection Essays Global Marketing, Localized or Standardized Strategy Selection Paper Global Marketing, Localized or Standardized Strategy Selection Paper Standardized and Localized Strategy Selection When considering the marketing, product, and positioning strategies involved with taking a US based consumer product global, there are many variables to consider. Some key considerations include; the markets economy, political climate, legal system, and of course, there are cultural considerations (Levens, 2012). Of these, culture may have the most effect on how to market a product internationally. There are currently two schools of thought for international marketing, which are the adoption of a standardized strategy or a localized strategy (Solomon, 2015). One would think that with globalization and the exportation of western culture, that most consumer products would be able to adopt a standardized strategy because, after all, a TV is a TV and a washing machine is a washing machine. Unfortunately things are not so simple, and we need to be careful not to make the assumption that the whole world is exactly like the United States. Perhaps a TV is a TV and a smartphone is a smartphone, and other than the socio-economic factors that decide whether or not it is a luxury item, marketing could be essentially uniform. But when you consider other items such as refrigerators, clothing washers dryers, dishwashing machines, personal hygiene products, and so many more, there can be many cultural factors to consider. For example,many cultures shop for groceries several times per week, some even daily, Americans shop for groceries, on average, once per week. : Since Americans only shop once per week, American homes have the largest refrigerators on the planet with an average size of 17. 5 cubic feet (Rees, 2013). With such cultural differences, it would not be possible to use a standardized marketing strategy, but is a localized strategy the way to go. Instead of choosing between a localized strategy or a standardized strategy, many international marketers balance the two strategies to a degree and use an adapted global marketing strategy (Armstrong Kotler, 2012). By adopting an adapted global marketing strategy marketers can think globally, but act locally. In doing so, the marketing strategy and marketing mix elements are adjusted to the market being served. Although the overall brand strategy is standardized, advertising and product mix is localized. The negative effect of this is the additional expense associated with local marketing and possibly having to modify products (Solomon 2015). However, this can be overshadowed by the ability to capture a larger market.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to become a forklift operator

How to become a forklift operator These days, logistics careers are a growing hotspot. People with the skills and know-how to manage the inventory coming in and out of warehouses or bring that specialized skill set to a construction site are going to be in demand for the foreseeable future. Specifically, forklift operators, with their large equipment expertise, are in a great position for the future. With e-commerce companies like Amazon building more and more warehouses every day, these trained professionals help keep products moving efficiently on their trip from one place to another. What does a forklift operator do?Forklift operators use heavy machinery to move objects or materials. They are most often found in warehouses (or other storage settings), factories, and on construction sites. The direct work tasks are pretty straightforward- using the forklift to move object A to place B. However, forklift operators may also be responsible for:Maintaining forklifts and other mechanical equipmentHandling other cargo eq uipment, such as shrink wrap machines, lifts, and trailersUsing software related to inventory and supply chain managementThis is a job that also requires a lot of physical stamina and strength, as it may require heavy lifting and the ability to work on repetitive tasks for hours at a time. It’s also classified as a â€Å"hazardous occupation† by the Fair Labor Standards Act, which means that operators need to pay close attention to safety and situational awareness.What skills do forklift operators have?Forklift operators need to have a very specific skill set in order to be successful.Mechanical Skills:  Forklift operators work with heavy equipment and tractors all day, every day, so it’s important to be able to troubleshoot issues as they arise, or risk losing productivity.Manual Dexterity:  Because they’re moving heavy objects or loads, forklift operators need to be able to control both the vehicle and the materials they’re moving.What do you need to become a forklift operator?Because of the equipment involved and the potential hazards of handling heavy equipment and heavy loads, forklift operators need to be certified. Certification typically involves completing a training course from an accredited school or online program. Once the course is complete, you’ll need to pass a forklift-specific test, which is usually made up of a written component and a physical (driving) component.How much do forklift operators make?According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for certified forklift operators is $33,890, or $16.29 per hour. This can change depending on the skill level necessary to perform the job or the complexity of the work.What’s the outlook for forklift operators?Although the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts only slight growth for this field through 2024, there are increasing opportunities in cities and towns that are becoming transportation and shipping/logistics h ubs.If you’re thinking about a career in the warehouse/logistics world, and you don’t mind doing the (literal) heavy lifting, then getting certified as a forklift operator can be a great entry point. Good luck!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hume on Suicide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hume on Suicide - Essay Example This paper will begin with the statement that life is the most mysterious thing that humans can face. It is given to us and we have no opportunity to choose to be born or not to be born. The question is if humans have a right to get rid of their life or if a woman, who gifted this life, can take it away? If a person kills him/herself, it is called a suicide, if someone takes the life of another person, it is called a murder. From day to day you can hear in the news about many cases of suicide among people of different age and the question is if these acts can be considered as a human’s right to be a master of his/her life, or as a crime. Nobody can state for sure, if a person have right to commit a suicide and to get rid of the dearest that was given to him. There is an philosophy that suicide is a method to demonstrate to the God the power of humans in a short and strict form. The issue is very controversial and was discussed by many famous philosophers. David Hume is among t hem. He devoted the whole essay â€Å"Of Suicide† to this issue. The reception of Hume's views The unique and controversial idea presented by Hume is that there is no person in this world who will commit suicide if he considers his life to be valuable. Thus, according to Hume, a person has a right to commit a suicide: â€Å"to restore men to their native liberty, by examining all the common arguments against suicide, and showing that, that action may be free from every imputation of guilt or blame; according to the sentiments of all the ancient philosophers† (Essays on suicide and the immortality of the soul. p.3). If to consider this statement from the point of view of social issues and values, the supporters of it can be accused in the misrepresentation of God and religion as well as in immorality. Children are taught in school that only morally weak individuals can commit suicide as suicide is the easiest way to solve the problem. â€Å"Hume’s recent critics read him differently, however, as if his observations concerning the fragility of human life are intended to show (positively) that we have a low value in God’s eyes† (Holden 2005, p.203). Hume states that there are several stages before committing a suicide. A person usually feels disorder and weakness, apathy and stupidity (Muller, 1997). These are signals for the mind that it is time to finish the life. Not all the people in the modern society would agree with Hume on the aspect. According to him, each person who has such problems is a potential suicide committer. Nobody will deny that we always can find a reason for stress and problems are waiting for us every second, thus it is a usual thing to feel such symptoms. Hume also underlined that changes that could occur in life, would bring the unexpected results for sure. Thus, the question is if the changes only push to suicide or vice versa. Let’s imagine person who is about to commit a suicide. He or she is i n the last stage and suddenly the fortune proposes him or her a present, winning the lottery. It is interesting whether this can serve as a reverse point for a person and if it can make him change his mind. Philosophy, religion and everyday life Holden states: †Hume presents arguments for the moral permissibility of suicide that could readily be generalized to license any action, murder not excepted. But no one thinks that murder is permissible, so we have a clear reduction of Hume’s reasoning† (Holden 2005, p.190). However, Hume does not consider a suicide to be a murder. According to Hume, it is unfair to consider the suicide to be a crime. He considered material and animal world and comes to the conclusion that all the things inevitably return to their basic state. This argument is also very controversial. Politicians and the law as well as religion dictate what the citizens should do and how they should behave in the society. In reality each country has its la w and unwritten rules of behavior, the picture of the world, which form the mentality (Flew, 1986).

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Lab Report - Precision and Accuracy Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

- Precision and Accuracy - Lab Report Example The determiner of accuracy is the percentage error, which is valued at 0.06%. Some of these include the lack of experience and poor technique, which actually both go together for when there is lack of experience, the immediate result would be poor technique. Poor technique may be attributed to the parallax error, or the failure to put the eye at a level which is aligned properly to the volume mark of the pipette. This means that if one is looking up the pipette, one can see a meniscus placed too high when it appears to align with the volume mark. In the same way, if one is looking down at the pipette, the meniscus will then be too low when it appears to align with the volume mark. In fact, aside from errors in the placement of the eye with reference to the volume mark, lack of experience and poor technique also translate as the failure of properly aligning the meniscus with the volume mark. ... his means that it would be very hard to control the force by which the solution should be ejected out of the pipette, thus the delivered solution may be slightly more than what is expected. Although there is a standard amount of force when it comes to delivering the solution out of the pipette, the deviation from the standard is brought about by individual differences as no two or three people can exactly deliver the solution out of the pipette using the same amount of force. Besides, this force is too little and is very hard to quantify and estimate physically. Another possible source of error or deviation from the absolute value of the solution is the possibility that the pipette is dirty or the solution is contaminated, thus there is a possibility that tiny droplets of the solution are left on the walls of the pipette resulting in the delivery of too little solution (â€Å"Sources of Error in Pipetting†). Moreover, dirt in the pipette, no matter how little, may cause a slig ht obstruction in the flow of the outgoing solution thus there is also a possibility that the pipette amount of solution is less than what is expected. Another possible source of error or deviation from the absolute or expected value is the possibility of a broken or chipped pipette, no matter how small the break is (â€Å"Sources of Error in Pipetting†). Such a break may cause a disruption in the natural flow of the liquid out of the pipette, thus the outgoing solution is also less than the expected amount. Part B: Conclusion The volume delivered by the pipette was calculated to be 9.99+/- 0.02 mL. The slight change of +/- 0.02 mL is due to a number of factors such as differences in time elapsed during transfer of liquid, possible change in temperature, possible change in evaporation rate, lack of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Using Energy Drinks Essay Example for Free

Using Energy Drinks Essay Introduction In this essay I will be talking about the cons of using energy drinks. I will give examples from articles, in which energy drinks caused people to go to the hospital. I will explain how energy drinks boosts you up and brings you down. In this essay I will be talking about a few energy drinks specifically. Using Energy Drinks According to the Colorado Gazette, Redline drink and others have been linked to health complications. Like heart problems, hypertension, and others. In Colorado, a school banned these kind of drinks and recommended a 7-11 store to stop selling these. A 15 year old girl, an athlete, was drinking the REDLINE POWER RUSH energy drink, and passed violently shaking and extreme salivitation, she died. several others have been reporting going to the er for chest tightness, shortness of breath, severe heart palpitations, increased heart rate, fixed and dilated pupils and hypertension. Recent reviews of this drink conclude a contributing factor not only an OD on caffeine, but drinking energy drinks on an empty stomach can lead to the stomach absorbing the drink, thus causing symptoms of nausea, salivating, sweating, headaches, neck pain and so on. This drink is supposed to be a dieting and energy drink. Usually people who work out a lot or diet, are eating nutritiously, mind you, that may be why some people are not affected by the ingredients in the drink. Those are: -Caffeine Citrate, Caffeine Anhydrous, Evoburnâ„ ¢ (Pure Evodiamine), N-acetyl-tyrosine, Yerbe Mate, Green Tea, 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan, CAMP (adenosine cyclic 3? ,5? -monophosphate), Vinpocetine, Yohimbine HCL. -also the amount of caffeine in one 2 ounce bottle of this stuff is about 250 mg. that is like nearly 3x the amount recommended on a daily basis. So if you are one who drinks the energy drinks there are some warnings, so incase you are not aware of them they follow: -if you are under the age of 16 this is not recommended. if you have any medical condition especially with the heart DO NOT DRINK THIS. if you have any type of sleeping disorder this is not for you. if you are on any type of blood thinner, bod pressure med, or anti depressants, do not drink this drink -do not take this drink with ANY other type of diet aide, this can cause a problem.. and when drinking this drink, if you have never had this please don’t drink more than 3 capfuls (. 63 fl. oz. ), dont consume more than 1/2 of the bottle, and don’t consume more than one bottle a day. Conclusion. In closing, I think using energy drinks is bad for you. Energy drinks boosts you up and when you come of that energy burst you feel drained. I am against using any form of energy drink. In Maryland, a 21 year old woman died using the energy drink four loko, an energy drink with alcohol. I wouldn’t use energy drinks, I’m one of those people who, if I know something important is coming up, I make sure I am well rested. References www. gazette. com/ www. nydailynews. com/ /2010-11-12_marylanders_want_four_loko_off_shelves_after_controversia l_cocktail_blamed_for_w. html.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Coming of Age in Ferris Beach :: McCorkle Ferris Beach Essays

Coming of Age in Ferris Beach Jill McCorkle's Ferris Beach is set in the 1970's, which is a transitional period in American history. The book is a buildings roman of Katie Burn's coming of age. Her maturing is complicated by the transition that is occurring in the time period. At the time, the Civil Rights movement had just ended, and there is a movement towards a more modern society, which included the integration of races and equality among men and women. In the book, the movement is characterized as a transition from the 'Old South' to the 'New South.' Different characters symbolize each time period. For example, Theresa Poole represents the Old South, whereas, Mo Rhodes is symbolic of the New South. As Katie grows up in this atmosphere, she must understand herself, and her sexuality. The mentalities of the Old and New South affect Katie's development. Each character in the book influences her values and beliefs. Katie must understand people like Mo Rhodes and Theresa Poole in order to establish her position i n the shifting order. Throughout the book she is exposed to different extremes of Southern mentality, and she falls victim to others' views. Finally, Katie realizes that her notions about Angela and Mo Rhodes are wrong, and that she believes in ideas that fall in between the two extremes that she has experienced. In the beginning of the book, we are introduced to Mrs. Poole, who is a traditional southern lady. She is ridiculed throughout the book because of her conventional beliefs. Her 'Old South' mentality is revealed at the beginning of the book when Mrs. Poole says, "the split levels are coming! The split levels are coming!"(pg. 1) She believes that the split levels represent a lower class and will degrade their long time established neighborhood. Theresa leads the Children of the Confederacy club and insists that Katie and Misty must be members of this historical organization. Katie and Misty's participation almost mocks Mrs. Poole's "southern ways." The organization epitomizes a traditional mentality. It is evident that Mrs. Poole does not want to partake in the transition into the New South. On the other hand, Angela and Mo Rhodes are of an extremely opposite nature. Angela is a beautiful young woman, who Katie envies and admires. Angela is a free spirited girl who has no commitment to anything.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Western states

1. Earthquakes occur in various part of United States. The earthquakes that occurred across the country ranges in magnitude and the date of occurrences. Earthquake with highest magnitude that was recorded in history occurred in Alaska while the one with lowest magnitude occurred in the Idaho area of United States. From the national seismic hazard maps (2008) shows that certain area of united states are more prone to attack while some areas have moderate probability and while some region are at a lesser probability of occurrence.Western states such as California, Nevada, Oregon and Arizona are at higher risk of earthquakes while regions such as South Dakota, Wisconsin and Minnesota are at the lowest risk of earthquake occurrences. Those at moderate risk include Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. The relative probability risk of earthquake occurrences ranges from the low risk central and northern region to the moderate region of some of the eastern states to the highest risk of the weste rn states or region. 2.On the map, the color of Houston Texas is relatively grayish showing that this region is at a lower risk or probability of earthquake occurrence within the next fifty years. 3. Data from the USGS in regards to the latest earthquakes in the world (showing that of the past 7 days in terms of their magnitude and the date of occurrence) indicate that distribution of earthquakes around the world is not even. The map shows 208 different earthquakes in relation to the time of occurrence and their magnitude.Regions such as the western part of the USA, the area of Alaska, Northern part of South America, some northern and eastern parts of Australia and the southern part of Asia shows earthquake experiences that are within the range of 5-7 magnitude and they can be felt. Around the some part of central Asia there are some scattered distributions of earthquakes which are of lower magnitudes and most are not usually felt. 4. The details of the earthquake that occurred on t he southern American continent are as follows; magnitude 5.0, location 12. 100 degree S, 75. 338 degree W, PERU region with location uncertainty of Horizontal +/_ 13. 5 km (8. 34); depth +/- 3. 4km (2. 1 miles). The earthquake occurred on Saturday, August 01, 2009 at 23:07:04 UTC. 5. I’m never going to be willing to live in those regions with higher probability of earthquake simply because â€Å"prevention is better than cure†. Having considering various social, environmental and economic impacts on the lives of people being affected by earthquake, I will never consider living in such red regions. 6.In situation where I’m forced to live in such areas I will consider some of the precautions that can help me and family to prepare and prevent ourselves from being affected by such disaster. Some of what I can do to help my family prepare for such situation includes the use of the USGS resources which helps peoples and family prepare for earthquake events. The resour ces that have been found to help in such situations are categorized into the following; †¢ How can I plan ahead for an earthquake †¢ What emergency supply do I need †¢ What to do during an earthquakeIn order for me to help my family prepare for such an event in the future if eventually I was forced to relocate to the red areas are as follows; I will make sure each of my family member knows what to actually do no matter wherever they are during an earthquake such as establishing a meeting point where we can reunite after afterwards, find out the preventive measure or plan by the children schools for an earthquake attack, and remember that transportation may be disrupted during the event hence there is a need to keep supplies whenever there is chance to do so.I will also try as much as possible to prevent any form of fire outbreak that might worsen the situation. This will be achieved by turning off all the units that can lead to leakage and subsequent fire incidence. I will immediately locate the fire and police station or any available emergency facilities for any rescue. I will also talk to my neighbor in preparedness for an earthquake so for us to know what we can do to help each other during and after an attack. I will also take special training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid processes. 7.The list of the most destructive earthquakes that occurred in the world are the earthquake that occurred in Pakistan in 2005 and that which occurred at Eastern Sichuan, China in the year 2008. The earthquake at Pakistan recorder about 86000 while that of the china recorded about 87,587 deaths. There are several missing bodies during both events and thousands of people became homeless after the events. This list of most destructive earthquakes shows that science is yet to be able to predicts or control earthquake because if they have the power or knowledge to do so, we ought not to have massive destruction like the two most recent earthquakes. 8. Seismograms is the seismological tool that scientist has been able to create to detect rumbling of the earth which usually indicate events going on within the earth layers and also the magnitude of a particular earthquake. What can be consider to be the main motivation for developing seismograms is the understanding of what lead to earthquakes that is the faults and the shakings that occurred within the ground which subsequently causes earthquake. They develop this tool so as to be able to detect this shakings and measure it magnitude. 9.This geological energy is different from biological in the sense that movements of the blocks within the earth result in the conversion of energy caused by the friction into the heat energy which subsequently contributes to the earthquakes while biological energy (which is measured in terms of calorie ) are usually derived from the chemical energy and not the frictional energy. The two forms of energy are similar in the sense that they can be con verted to heat energy. References Lisa,W. (2009). â€Å"The Science of Earthquakes†. Earthquake Hazard Programs Retrieved August 2, 2009 from http://earthquake. usgs. gov/learning/kids/eqscience.php USGS, (2009). â€Å"earthquake preparedness†. FAQs Retrieved August 2, 2009 from http://earthquake. usgs. gov/learning/faq/? faqID=79 USGS, (2009). â€Å"Earthquakes with 50,000 or More Deaths†. Most Destructive Known Earthquakes on Record in the World Retrieved August 2, 2009 from http://earthquake. usgs. gov/regional/world/most_destructive. php USGS, (2009). â€Å"National Seismic Hazard maps-2008†. Retrieved August 2, 2009 from http://gldims. cr. usgs. gov/nshmp2008/viewer. htm USGS, (2009). â€Å"Earthquake Facts â€Å". Earthquake Hazard programs Retrieved August 2, 2009 from http://earthquake. usgs. gov/learning/facts. php

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Against abortion essay

Against abortion * Every child is a precious and unique gift from God. We have no right to destroy this * Defenceless baby needs special protection since it cannot stand up for its own rights * The embryo is human from conception with its own DNA. Left alone, it will develop into a person * Children with physical or learning disabilities can lead full and rewarding lives. Aborting people because of disability is like telling disabled people that they are worthless * Abortion is murder – the deliberate taking of a human life * Doctors and nurses promised to save life, not destroy it.Abortion breaks the Hippocratic Oath * The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child says that children need protection both before and after birth * Unwanted babies could be adopted. Many childless couples are desperate to adopt * You are killing a human being. She/he may be unborn, but they are still a life and deserve to live that life, whether it is an inconvenience to you or not. * I f you are going to have an abortion and are already planning on keeping it a secret, that shows right there that you would feel bad if people knew you had done this deed.You will feel guilt and just like if you were to kill another person and no one found out, you yourself would know and feel guilt and shame about it. It would tear you apart * What if you were raped and got pregnant? That new life still should be able to live their life. It may be lived through adoption or in a different home, but even though you were wronged, you have no right to kill another person because of this wrong done to you. * My argument is always that there are so many couples that cannot have babies and are broken hearted because of it.So instead of aborting your baby give it up for adoption and to a loving family. It’s not fair to those people who all they want is a baby and then there are all these girls throwing away babies like they are nothing. * If you think you’re responsible enough to have sex and you do, and don’t use protection, then take care of your responsibility, don’t take the easy way out and kill your baby. Plain and simple! * Why would you kill a baby that God has gifted you with?A baby is a beautiful blessing it is a gift of life that you can raise teaches and be there for. Some people don't get that chance. * People use abortions as a quick fix rather than use contraception * Abortions r wrong because people can get rid of a perfectly healthy baby at between 18 and 22 wks at which age a baby can survive * Abortions can leave the person feeling guilty and sometimes even suicidal * If u don't want children use protections rather than killing a baby that has done nothing wrong and has not asked to be conceived.People also use it to get rid of perfectly healthy babies like if a baby has a cleft lip and pallet some people would rather get rid of the baby than deal with a baby that has to have operation. * Abortion is murder. You can alway s put the child up for adoption, but you can never take back that you killed your child you must have some love in your heart not to be a murder. * Why should an innocent new life be punished for someone else's wrong actions? * It's evil! You're killing a life inside you We shouldn’t be able to kill a baby because we can’t take care of it†¦. that’s why we have adoption agencies. * We wouldn’t have liked to be aborted. * Though they are babies they are human and have rights and choices. It’s only fair not to abort them! * Abortion is murder * Abortion puts an innocent child in excruciating pain and then they die. (Just look at pictures of abortion procedures and what the babies look like. They can feel pain. ) * Women die from it * Women become suicidal from it * Women have severe emotional and mental isorder from * It has become a form of birth control for a lot of women who simply don’t want to take birth control, or haven't figured ou t what a damn condom is! * People need to start taking responsibility for their actions (Don't have sex if you can't deal with, or are not financially or emotionally stable for the consequences!!! ) * I don't agree with abortions used for defects in the foetus (Down syndrome ect. ) That is just horrible to take a child's life because it isn't perfect, or will require more attention, boo effing hoo!!You take that risk also by getting pregnant; you have to keep your mind open for things like this!! * Cases I personally would agree with abortion on: If a woman gets raped and gets pregnant (obviously not her decision to lay down and have sex, and obviously not her fault for conception) * Children under 16 who’s parents choose for them to have an abortion because the â€Å"child†, (though they know perfectly well the difference between right and wrong, as well as what condoms and birth control are at this point), is most likely going to leave the baby for their parents to r aise.Thus, since it isn't the parent’s choice to have the baby, then I don't think the child should have it. (Although adoption again would be the right route to go with this) I would also beat the living HELL out of the â€Å"child† and lock them in a room somewhere (personal opinion) * It’s immoral, it’s basically murder!!! What did the baby do to deserve to die!!!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

personal responsibility Essay

personal responsibility Essay personal responsibility Essay Personal responsibility means to me is being accountable for your own actions in life. Being a responsible person shows you are also a reliable person. Both of these two go hand in hand, meaning with out one you can not be without the other. Personal responsibility issues throughout your entire day it starts from the time you awake in the morning until the time you go to bed and are a sleep. For example when we wake up in the morning we have a choice to do our hair or not. With that in mind let us explore the personal responsibility and college success . With personal responsibility and college success both of these have similarities in each other. College success is possible with proper study time techniques and time management. Personal responsibility goes with the study time management because you as the person have to set some time away so that you are able to study and be successful in college as well in the class. A major part of personal responsibility is your every day life which consistent of time management because it helps you to succeed in college. Most college students come in from either high school or from being out of school from a long period of time. With both of these two will vary in time management because one has to juggle with family and the other having to much of free time. If you do not stay on track will find themselves in not succeeding in the college process. Personal responsibility is to manage your time correctly. In doi ng so one can be very successful in college. We as individuals have a choice to take

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Alphabetical Electron Configuration List of all Elements

Alphabetical Electron Configuration List of all Elements This is an alphabetical electron configuration list of all the elements of the periodic table. While the electronic structure of the lighter elements is well-studied, once you get to the heavier man-made elements, these configurations are predicted or calculated based on periodic table trends. Configurations are estimated from dubnium (element 105) up to ununoctium (element 118). Note the configurations are listed using the noble gas core notation. So, for example, neon is written using this shorthand as [He]2s22p6 rather than 1s22s22p6. The electron configurations of the newly discovered super-heavy elements are predicted. Electrons travel at relativistic speeds in these atoms, so unusual behavior might occur. You may also view the electron configurations of the first 104 elements in order of atomic number. Actinium - [Rn]6d17s2Aluminum  -  [Ne]3s23p1Americium  -  [Rn]5f77s2Antimony  -  [Kr]4d105s25p3Argon  -  [Ne]3s23p6Arsenic  -  [Ar]3d104s24p3Astatine  -  [Xe]4f145d106s26p5Barium  -  [Xe]6s2Berkelium  -  [Rn]5f97s2Beryllium  -  [He]2s2Bismuth  -  [Xe]4f145d106s26p3Bohrium  -  [Rn]5f146d57s2Boron  -  [He]2s22p1Bromine  -  [Ar]3d104s24p5Cadmium  -  [Kr]4d105s2Calcium  -  [Ar]4s2Californium  -  [Rn]5f107s2Carbon  -  [He]2s22p2Cerium  -  [Xe]4f15d16s2Cesium  -  [Xe]6s1Chlorine  -  [Ne]3s23p5Chromium  -  [Ar]3d54s1Cobalt  -  [Ar]3d74s2Copernicium (formerly ununbium)  -  [Rn]5f146d107s2Copper  -  [Ar]3d104s1Curium  -  [Rn]5f76d17s2Darmstadtium  -  [Rn]5f146d97s1Dubnium  -  [Rn]5f146d37s2Dysprosium  -  [Xe]4f106s2Einsteinium  -  [Rn]5f117s2Erbium  -  [Xe]4f126s2Europium  -  [Xe]4f76s2Fermium  -  [Rn]5f127s2Flerovium (formerly ununquadium)  -  [Rn]5f146d107s27p2 Fluorine  -  [He]2s22p5Francium  -  [Rn]7s1Gadolinium  -  [Xe]4f75d16s2Gallium  -  [Ar]3d104s24p1Germanium  -  [Ar]3d104s24p2Gold  -  [Xe]4f145d106s1Hafnium  -  [Xe]4f145d26s2Hassium  -  [Rn]5f146d67s2Helium  -  1s2Holmium  -  [Xe]4f116s2Hydrogen  -  1s1Indium  -  [Kr]4d105s25p1Iodine  -  [Kr]4d105s25p5Iridium  -  [Xe]4f145d76s2Iron  -  [Ar]3d64s2Krypton  -  [Ar]3d104s24p6Lanthanum  -  [Xe]5d16s2Lawrencium  -  [Rn]5f147s27p1Lead  -  [Xe]4f145d106s26p2Lithium  -  [He]2s1Livermorium (formerly ununhexium)  -  [Rn]5f146d107s27p4Lutetium  -  [Xe]4f145d16s2Magnesium  -  [Ne]3s2Manganese  -  [Ar]3d54s2Meitnerium  -  [Rn]5f146d77s2Mendelevium  -  [Rn]5f137s2Mercury  -  [Xe]4f145d106s2Molybdenum  -  [Kr]4d55s1Moscovium - [Rn] 5f14  6d10  7s2  7p3 (predicted)Neodymium  -  [Xe]4f46s2Neon  -  [He]2s22p6Neptunium  -  [Rn]5f46d17s2Nickel  -  [Ar]3d84s2Nihonium - [R n] 5f14  6d10  7s2  7p1 (predicted)Niobium  -  [Kr]4d45s1Nitrogen  -  [He]2s22p3Nobelium  -  [Rn]5f147s2s2Oganesson - [Rn] 5f14  6d10  7s2  7p6 (predicted)Osmium  -  [Xe]4f145d66s2Oxygen  -  [He]2s22p4Palladium  -  [Kr]4d10Phosphorus  -  [Ne]3s23p3Platinum  -  [Xe]4f145d96s1Plutonium  -  [Rn]5f67s2Polonium  -  [Xe]4f145d106s26p4Potassium  -  [Ar]4s1Praseodymium  -  [Xe]4f36s2Promethium  -  [Xe]4f56s2Protactinium  -  [Rn]5f26d17s2Radium  -  [Rn]7s2Radon  -  [Xe]4f145d106s26p6Rhenium  -  [Xe]4f145d56s2Rhodium  -  [Kr]4d85s1Roentgenium  -  [Rn]5f146d107s1Rubidium  -  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Kr]5s1Ruthenium  -  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Kr]4d75s1Rutherfordium  -  [Rn]5f146d27s2Samarium  -  [Xe]4f66s2Scandium  -  [Ar]3d14s2Seaborgium  -  [Rn]5f146d47s2Selenium  -  [Ar]3d104s24p4Silicon  -  [Ne]3s23p2Silver  -  [Kr]4d105s1Sodium  -  [Ne]3s1Strontium  -  [Kr]5s2Sulfur  -  [Ne]3s23p4Tanta lum  -  [Xe]4f145d36s2Technetium  -  [Kr]4d55s2Tellurium  -  [Kr]4d105s25p4Tennessine - [Rn] 5f14  6d10  7s2  7p5 (predicted)Terbium  -  [Xe]4f96s2Thallium  -  [Xe]4f145d106s26p1Thorium  -  [Rn]6d27s2Thulium  -  [Xe]4f136s2Tin  -  [Kr]4d105s25p2Titanium  -  [Ar]3d24s2Tungsten  -  [Xe]4f145d46s2s2Ununoctium  -  [Rn]5f146d107s27p6Ununpentium  -  [Rn]5f146d107s27p3Ununseptium  -  [Rn]5f146d107s27p5Ununtrium  -  [Rn]5f146d107s27p1Uranium  -  [Rn]5f36d17s2Vanadium  -  [Ar]3d34s2Xenon  -  [Kr]4d105s25p6Ytterbium  -  [Xe]4f146s2Yttrium  -  [Kr]4d15s2Zinc  -  [Ar]3d104s2Zirconium  -  [Kr]4d25s2 Reference: Element data from Wolfram Alpha, retrieved 06/09/2015

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sincerity and professional ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Sincerity and professional ethics - Essay Example The aspect of sincerity assigns this kinetic force to professional ethics. The kinetic essence of sincerity lies in the fact that it embodies the feature of truth of word and action. This means that it must be seen in terms of the driving motive and the action that follows the motive. In some sense, sincerity might be seen in terms of the motion that makes manifest the philosophies underpinning professional ethics. These philosophies are tied around the essence of human or the willing desire to serve humanity in truth and in action. The element of humanism has often been regarded in light of the different factors that relate to virtuous service. Understanding the place of sincerity in professional ethics ought to begin from the moral grounds behind the development of professional ethics. Partly, professional ethics arose out of the awareness of the possible excesses of the pursuit of profits and personal gains. Professional ethics have been considered in terms of the building blocks that underpin the pursuit of personal gain. In usual cases, work provides the means for self-sustenance and progress to the worker. In the course of pursuing the objectives of work, it is possible for individuals to be blinded by their private gains in a manner that compromises the general good. Workers and professionals are part of the commonwealth. Their efforts must necessarily trickle back to the commonwealth. It was within this understanding that professional ethics were created with the task of safeguarding the commonwealth from the possible greed of the workers. Over the times, professional ethics has been understood within the context of sincerity. Sincerity entails the aspect of selflessness. In involves placing the welfare of the majority above personal gains on the ladder of social importance. Sincerity provides the mechanics that run the engine of professional ethics. It is important to consider the fact that some elements of sincerity are derived from the concepts of gl obal citizenship. The capacity to empathize and fulfill the needs of others often brings about some form of fulfillment that actualizes the essence of humanity. Perceived within the sense of professional ethics, the application of sincerity should enable the provision of services in a manner that gratifies the needs of the seeker. For instance, a businessman should serve his clients in a manner that would eventually add value to their lives. The transaction between the businessman and the client should carry an element of mutual benefit to both parties if it has to embrace the aspect of sincerity. Kantian Sincerity and Professional Ethics In broad terms, Emmanuel Kant perceived the aspect of sincerity within the framework of good will and virtue (Wood, 2008). Kant assigned the qualities of good and autonomy to the aspect of sincerity. According to him, the element of goodwill as embodied within the aspect of sincerity is complete and does not require any causative agent in order to manifest. Kant developed an understanding of the aspect of sincerity as a function of the moral law, which must emanate from within the person. This would imply that a corporate executive who exhibits these aspects of sincerity is basically driven by inner personal qualities of goodness. According to Kant, virtue is the overarching principle that enables the pursuit of the moral good (Wood, 2008). Within this underst