Thursday, January 2, 2020

Hinduism Is The Religion Of The Majority Of Population

Hinduism is the religion of the majority of population in India and Nepal. It is prevalent among other populations outside of this area and has over 900 million followers worldwide (BBC). Unlike other religions, Hinduism has no single founder, no single scripture, and no commonly agreed set of teachings. Hinduism is not easily defined because of its many different practices and different beliefs within it. It can be compared conceptually and historically with the other Indian religions such as Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism (BBC). Throughout its history, many of the key figures within the religion have taught different philosophies and wrote a numerous amount of holy books. Because of these reasons, writers often refer to Hinduism as a†¦show more content†¦Moksha can be achieved when one is alive or after death. When Moksha is achieved when after death, the soul goes to live blissfully in the realm of the personal God, in a spiritual body. One attains divine powers such as omniscience but subservient to God. In this case, it is impossible to determine that one has fulfilled this objective because it happens after the death of the individual and outside the realm of mortals. Other members of this sect believe that Moksha can be achieved before death. This is signified by purity of mind and one is characterized by intense meditation capable of achieving knowledge of inner divine self but the body has to die before the spirit can be released. The meditations are accompanied by a sense of thinking about others and religion above personal interests and glory. Often, it takes several lifetimes to get a deeper understanding of the objective itself leave alone attaining it. It is believed that one may have to undergo several cycles of lives and deaths with every life cycle being an opportunity to advance towards Moksha. The adherents believe that during a short period after death, the spirit is rejuvenated before getting into a new body for another cycle of l ife. During this short period, the spirit adds to its purity with each successive death of the bodyShow MoreRelatedKashmir Conflict Between Hindus And Muslims1320 Words   |  6 Pagesdawn of time. The addition of politics and religion into the matter only serves to aggravate an already tense situation. Kashmir knows this all too well. The conflict between Hindus and Muslims seems to be an ever reoccurring battle. This is also evidenced in population battles. Hindus make up the social majority of the population of India by almost eighty percent. Feelings of tension and uneasiness are a natural reaction to being dominated by a majority and are a problem unto itself. In orderRead MoreSimilarities Between Hinduism And Buddhism942 Words   |  4 PagesCCOT Essay Hinduism and Buddhism were both founded and popular in northern India by 600 CE. 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