Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Becoming a Teacher Free Essays

Every person has his or her own dreams of becoming somebody when he or she grows up. Some would say they want to be a doctor, engineer, lawyer, accountant, or businessman. In my case, ever since I was a child, I have been nurturing this dream of becoming a teacher. We will write a custom essay sample on Becoming a Teacher or any similar topic only for you Order Now I decided to embark on this noble profession for three main reasons. The first reason can be attributed to my wish to have an impact on people’s lives. Specifically, I wish to become a role model for the youth of today, many of whom are in need of guidance. I believe that I can be a good example and a teacher to every student that I will be teaching in the future. By being a role model, I can help my future students grow and mold them to become better individuals—a feat that, when achieved, can certainly leave me fulfilled. Second, I want to become a teacher for a very simple reason: I want to share knowledge and make a difference in people’s lives. I seek to educate the young ones not only about the subjects that they have to learn, but also about the realities of the world and the values that they should live out. I also wish to have the chance to help them achieve their goals and dreams in the future. By doing so, I would be able to draw out every student’s potential and help him or her lead a successful life founded on integrity. Third, my passion for and interest in dealing with children prompted me to decide on becoming a teacher. For me, children are just like angels; being around them makes me feel happy and content in life. They are cute, sweet, and adorable. They may be stubborn, hardheaded, and noisy, but these are the qualities that make them a child, so their display of such behavior is only natural. Hence, I, as a teacher, should start teaching children during their formative years so that they will grow up to become principled individuals. These are the reasons why I am very eager and enthusiastic to become a teacher. Teaching is a very challenging profession. Thus, in order to survive and become a successful and effective teacher, I believe that teachers should possess the following characteristics and skills. First of all, a teacher should have compassion, a trait that entails empathy, kindness, and benevolence. Teachers with compassion possess a genuine desire to help students. Hence, being compassionate is one of the most important traits that a teacher should have. Another quality that is crucial to teachers is dedication. Teaching is not just a profession; it is a commitment that an individual takes due to his or her great intention to help others and pass on the knowledge and skills that he or she has. Teachers should also have confidence in themselves in order to be an effective teacher. They must know what they are doing and have the courage to lead every student to the right path. Strength is also another important trait that teachers should possess in order for students to regard them with respect. Moreover, teachers should exhibit enthusiasm in order to motivate the students to learn and develop. They should also be approachable and have good communication skills in order to prevent misunderstandings or miscommunications with and among their students. Open communication is imperative in a teacher-student relationship so that the teacher will know whether there is development or problem in his or her students. In addition, I also believe that a teacher should demonstrate a good attitude and character to his or her students. They should always be a good example to their students and always show positive feelings and emotions (Glenn, 2001). Finally, the most important personal characteristic that a teacher should have is a lot of patience. Patience is said to be a virtue, a virtue that is very hard to keep and maintain. Being a teacher requires having a lot of patience because of all the responsibilities that he or she has to fulfill, such as making sure that the students learn and develop their skills. Considering this list of the personal characteristics that a teacher should possess in order to become effective, one may perceive the profession as very difficult and complicated to fulfill. However, knowing that the purpose of teachers is to help and change other people’s life for the better does not hinder me to fulfill my dream of becoming a teacher someday. There are different types of schooling in the society nowadays. One of these is special education. Special education is a very different setting compared to a normal school. It is a school or a place where various special and additional services are provided for children or people with disabilities, including blind, deaf, mute, and mentally challenged individuals, among others (Watson, 2003). To stay updated in the field of special education, teachers can attend seminars or taking a special course that directly provides information especially relevant to this field. This may involve taking a course that offers different techniques and strategies in teaching and handling special children. Learning that is based on personal observation could be helpful as well in this field. Keeping one’s passion sounds very easy especially if it is something that a person enjoys doing. Nonetheless, in the field of teaching, it might appear very difficult to keep a teacher’s passion in teaching, for it is said to be a very stressful and difficult career. However, in my opinion, maintaining my passion for teaching is easy. There are a lot of things that I can do in order to maintain my strong will and desire in teaching. Being innovative in my teaching style, combined with a positive attitude towards this profession, would keep me happy and satisfied with this job. Dealing with children, getting to know different students, and gaining love, respect and care from students are also rewarding reasons to be passionate about being a teacher. Building relationships and fostering creativity within my students, which are some of many exciting things that I am looking forward to achieve when I become a teacher, would perpetually rekindle my passion for teaching. In addition to this, keeping in mind that the students future lies on my hands would certainly maintain my passion and keenness to be a great teacher and a role model to every student I will have. Indeed, having a career in teaching can be considered as a blessing and an honor to an individual. It is one of the most noble and respected jobs in the world, and its intangible rewards will always arouse the passion that I have always possessed towards teaching. I believe that a great teacher has the responsibility to bring out the best in every student. A teacher should have an open mind, positive attitude, and high expectations everyday as he or she goes to school. This is my educational philosophy. When I become a teacher, I would gladly and proudly become an inspiration to every child. I would like to be an instrument that will make these children grow and succeed in their lives. I wish to live a life of service to other people most especially to children. I want to be a teacher to be able to nurture children and instill all the necessary knowledge and values that one should have in order to have a blissful and rewarding life. Teaching will always be my passion, and I will never harbor feelings of regret in choosing this career path. References Glenn, R. E. (2001). Admirable Teaching Traits. Education World. Retrieved January 28, 2009 from http://www. education-world. com/a_curr/curr387. shtml. Watson, S. (2003). What is special education?. About. com. Retrieved January 28, 2009 from http://specialed. about. com/od/idea/a/Special101. htm How to cite Becoming a Teacher, Papers Becoming a Teacher Free Essays Becoming a primary school teacher is something I have always wanted to do. I have been greatly inspired by an old teacher of mine, who i always looked up to and admired. I feel i have a real enthusiasm for teaching as well as a great deal of patience, which i believe is an important quality to hold when working with children. We will write a custom essay sample on Becoming a Teacher or any similar topic only for you Order Now Through the classroom experience i have gained through various weeks of work experience, i have seen my love for teaching grow and it has shown me that becoming a teacher is very much the correct career path to embark on. I am a very enthusiastic and motivated individual who has a passion for teaching. I consider myself to be very approachable, and a good communicator. I also have good organisation skills, and am a very hard working. I am always willing to learn new skills and build upon the skills I already have. I thrive within a classroom environment as I enjoying teaching children new things as well as coming up with exciting new ways to teach. I am currently studying for a BA Hons in Textiles, a subject that i am passionate about, but one one that i have come to realise is not the correct career path for me. I do feel however, that having a degree in the creative arts will benefit me with the classroom as i feel it is very important to have a creative mind when planning lessons as it helps the children to engage more in what they are being taught. Throughout my university life I have taken on extra roles of responsibility such as the staff-student liaison. Here I am a link between pupils and lecturers, and have to attend meetings where we can voice our concerns as students and gain feedback from our tutors and other members of staff. Becoming a primary school teacher is something I have always wanted to do. I have been greatly inspired by an old teacher of mine, who i always looked up to and admired. I feel i have a real enthuasium for teaching as well as a great deal of patience, which i believe is an important quality to hold when working with children. Through the classroom experience i have gained through various weeks of work experience, i have seen my love for teaching grow and it has shown me that becoming a teacher is very much the correct career path to embark on. I am a very enthusiastic and motivated individual who has a passion for teaching. I consider myself to be very approachable, and a good communicator. I also have good organisation skills, and am a very hard working. I am always willing to learn new skills and build upon the skills I already have. I thrive within a classroom environment as I enjoying teaching children new things as well as coming up with exciting new ways to teach. I am currently studying for a BA Hons in Textiles, a subject that i am passionate about, but one one that i have come to realise is not the correct career path for me. I do feel however, that having a degree in the creative arts will benefit me with the classroom as i feel it is very important to have a creative mind when planning lessons as it helps the children to engage more in what they are being taught. Throughout my university life I have taken on extra roles of responsibility such as the staff-student liaison. Here I am a link between pupils and lecturers, and have to attend meetings where we can voice our concerns as students and gain feedback from our tutors and other members of staff. bvisouly from my drgree subject i have a great knowledge of art, whihc i fell can be used to help create interactive lessons within all subjects. Alongside this, i found while on work experience, I had a great enthuasium for teching history, english and maths. I found with history you were able to make the lesson come alive through role play and design projects and this worked well within english lessons as well. I am very ethuastic about teaching maths as i t was a subject i really enjoyed as a student and i feel it is a vital skill to take with you through life. For my work experience i worked in a school that had behaviour issues. Through this experience i was able to note how to interact with children that were mis behaving, with out getting them to react to being told off. Alongside this i was able to observe class room layouts and how they varied for individual and group activities. I also noted that at times, the teacher’s mood would change within the classroom, depending on what was happening. I feel having a degree in the arts would help out a school as i can give help and advice for displays, shows and creative teaching. As well as this i have a great enthuasium for photography, which would be benefical for school newsletters as well as school assembilys. I also enjoy taking part in sport activities and would be very willing to help run lunchtime, after school and holiday clubs for sports. I have also gained ICT skills and managment skills from the part time job that i currently hold. I manage a shop at weekends as well as working as their website co-ordinator. How to cite Becoming a Teacher, Papers Becoming a Teacher Free Essays Becoming A Teacher Free Essays Life has always been filled with different experiences. These experiences become factors in the future decisions that people would make in their lives. As a young child, I have always wanted to make a difference in the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Becoming A Teacher or any similar topic only for you Order Now Being a teacher was the most decent job I have always dreamed of. The kind of knowledge that I could impart to the students meant so much to me. With my small deeds, I would be able to help numerous children in honing their knowledge and making their mark in society. Personally, I believe that I have the capabilities needed for a good teacher. I am hard working, and I have dreams and aspirations to pursue. Teachers are expected to always be updated with the different trends and issues that happen around them. Furthermore, it is expected that teachers be wide readers and have open minds regarding issues that happen around them. I believe that I possess all these characteristics. In addition to this, I am a very patient individual. I can easily understand different kinds of people, regardless of how complicated their attitude may be. Also, I believe that being an optimist would help me become a good teacher. I would be able to impart in the students this kind of value that may be beneficial in their lives, especially when they grow older. As I have mentioned earlier, teachers are expected to always be updated with the different trends in society. When given the opportunity to teach, I would not hinder myself from learning new ideas. Regardless of how crucial these new ideas may become,i would still keep an open mind, and take things as they are. In addition to this, I also plan to hone myself by taking up special degrees in the field of education. The knowledge that I may acquire from taking much time in school, would also be beneficial in my growth as an individual and as a professional. Furthermore, going back to school to acquire more knowledge would also leave a good impression to my students. My students and their parents would perceive me to be of good standing, making me credible for my job. Staying in the field of education would be difficult for many teachers, for there are so much things to learn and be updated with. I have always loved the world of education, so it is not difficult for me to stay in the said field for a long time. My passion and dedication to promote learning among young individuals would be my main goal in staying in my field. In addition to this, my quest for higher education would also make my students believe in me more. Like any other individual, my self esteem and drive to learn would be heightened, knowing that there are people who would actually believe in my capabilities. Teaching should never be taken for granted. The responsibilities and tasks that come with job should be given much importance. As a teacher, it is also my responsibility to make my students feel that their education is important. Before I could give them insights about how they should deal with their lives, I should be able to practice what I preach. My students should be able to see how much I enjoy my life being an educator. The job is very decent, and should be shown with much appreciation and dedication. Seeing my students learn with the lessons I give them in a daily basis are enough to make me feel fulfilled. Later on, as they progress into professionals, I would still be a part of their lives. They would remember that during one of their awkward stages in their lives, I was there ready to give a helping hand. Like any other teacher, I have my own philosophies to live by. I choose the philosophy associated with realism for several reasons. I believe that students, regardless of what age they are in, should be treated equally. These students should be faced with reality even in a young age. As their teacher, I would never hide the truth from them. When my students raise questions, I would answer them as truthfully and as realistic as possible. Besides, children nowadays have more advanced minds than children before. I want my students to learn things from me other than learn them from outside the school premises, which could be taken negatively. Being a teacher is not only a job, but also a responsibility that I have with my students. Furthermore, experience may be considered as the best teacher. For all the experiences that they may have in their lives, my students would be able to fully understand the different realities that life has to offer them. The lessons that they will learn would be beneficial in their growth and maturity as individuals and as professionals. With all that has been said and done,I believe that being a teacher would help me become the best professional and individual that I can be. The little details that are normally taken for granted are the things that matter more. I may be able to imbibe a portion of my life as an individual and as a professional in the lives of my students no matter where they go and who they choose to be. How to cite Becoming A Teacher, Papers

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