Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Commitment to Failure - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 561 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/03/18 Category Analytics Essay Level High school Tags: Failure Essay Did you like this example? Prof Most People fail, not because of lack of desire, but, because of lack of commitment said Vince Lombardi. Many college students find themselves unready for college causing dropouts of classes or failure in college courses. Many college students are high school graduates who think theyre ready for the next chapter in their life, college. College, however, is different from high school. Three main causes to for failure and college dropouts are bad study habits practiced in high school, lack of academic preparedness, and the commitment to put in the work. One of the causes of failure and dropouts to college is bad study habits. Students in high school would go home to study but there are excessive distractions at home such and television and music. Flickering lights and sounds not only pique your childrens interest, they slow down the learning process and hinder reading comprehension (Garcia). The internet and cellular devices might seem like a resource to study but multitasking teenagers who text, listen to music, have Facebook open, and are Skyping with a classmate while doing their homework are less likely to retain information theyre studying (Miller). Another example that many people are guilty of is procrastination. Procrastination is when students wait until last minute to do assignments. Procrastination can lead to doing things halfway and not retaining as much information as necessary to ace that exam(Rachel M). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Commitment to Failure" essay for you Create order In addition to bad study habits, the lack of academic preparedness is a reason of failing in college. Why is it that students get good grades in high school and high GPAs in college but when taking the placement test in college they score low? Causing a student to take developmental classes in college and learning something that should have been learned in high school. Students come to college thinking its more or like high school thinking they can fly by without studying, taking notes or asking questions. Another reason for this is that the system failed, teachers and counselors dont prepare a student with the correct material or course that a student should be learning in high school causing them be classes or even a year behind in college. In some schools, councilors just want the students to graduate high school ; instead, of having students stay back another year to learn the subjects students needed or will need in college. Another reason for failing is students dont put commitment into their education as they should. There are multiple reasons for commitment that can interfere with college such as having job. Most college students attend school and work a part-time for full time job which is considered a distraction. Students either miss school or stay up late because of their job, making it harder to commit to school. Another reason for lack of commitment is personal issues with the family, friends, spouses, or children which can become a huge distraction and lack of commitment with students. Most students drop out or even fail college due to the bad study habits, lack academic preparedness and commitment towards school. References: Garcia, Lori. 10 Bad Study Habits And How To Fix Them. Babble, 8 Oct.2018, https://www.babble.com/kid/10-bad-study-habits-and-how-to-fix-them/ M,Rachel. Extremely Bad Study Habits Of College Students. 8 Oct. 2018. https://www.iwriteessays.com/college/extremely-bad-study-habits-of-college-students Miller, Tom. 5 Bad Study Habits Youve Probably Been Following. 8 Oct. 2018. https://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/5-bad-study-habits-youve-probably-been-following.html

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